



中時電子報 – 2013年6月15日 上午5:30
英威廉王子 有印度血統



先前大家以為威廉的母親黛安娜王妃上溯好幾代的先祖母愛莉莎.凱華克(Eliza Kewark)是亞美尼亞人,但母系傳承的DNA證實,她至少有一半的印度血統。





THE TIMES OF INDIA| Jun 14, 2013, 02.23 PM IST
Prince William has Indian heritage, DNA proves

LONDON: Prince William, second-in-line to the throne, will be first British king with proven Indian ancestry, DNA analysis has revealed.

The DNA analysis of saliva samples taken from the Duke of Cambridge's relatives have established a direct lineage between the 30-year-old prince and an Indian housekeeper on his mother Princess Diana's side.

It is his only non-European DNA and means he will become the first head of the Commonwealth with a clear genetic link to its most populous nation - India.

William is now likely to be encouraged to make his debut mission to India soon after the birth of his baby next month.

Researchers have uncovered the details of his lineage via a doomed relationship of William's Indian great-great-great-great-great grandmother.

Eliza Kewark was housekeeper to Prince William's great grandfather Theodore Forbes (1788-1820), a Scottish merchant who worked for the East India Company in the port town of Surat in Gujarat.

Eliza's mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was passed on by her daughters and granddaughters directly in an unbroken line to Princess Diana and then on to Prince William and Prince Harry.

Eliza is claimed to have been Armenian, possibly because her surname is rather like the Armenian name Kevork and letters from her to Forbes have been found which contain Armenian script.

This in turn suggests a degree of Armenian cultural heritage and the possibility that her father may have been of Armenian descent.

"But we believe that all the evidence we have gathered shows that her genetic heritage through her motherline is Indian," Britains DNA, a DNA ancestry testing company, said in a release.

"Princes William and Harry carry Eliza Kewark's markers but will not pass this Indian mtDNA onto their children, as mtDNA is only passed from mother to child," it added.

Jim Wilson, a genetics expert at the University of Edinburgh and Britains DNA who carried out the tests, said that Eliza's descendants had an incredibly rare type of mtDNA, inherited only from a mother.

It has so far been recorded in only 14 other people, 13 Indian and one Nepalese.

The revelation explains why the Scottish father of Eliza's children suddenly deserted her and sent their daughter, Katherine, to Britain at the age of six

AFP 2013年06月14日 11:01 発信地:ロンドン/英国

【6月14日 AFP】ウィリアム英王子(Prince William)がインド人の祖先をもっていることが、英エジンバラ大学(University of Edinburgh)のチームが行った唾液サンプルの分析により判明した。英誌タイムズ(Times)が14日、伝えた。王位継承権第2位のウィリアム王子が王位を継承すれば、英連邦(Commonwealth)で最大の人口を抱えるインドにルーツを持つことが証明された初の英国王になる。

 ウィリアム王子の7代前の祖先に当たる「Eliza Kewark」という名の女性は、これまでアルメニア人だと考えられてきたが、サンプル分析の結果、インド人の血が少なくとも半分入っていたことが分かった。

 分析を行ったエジンバラ大の遺伝子専門家、ジム・ウィルソン(Jim Wilson)氏によると、ウィリアム王子が持つインド人のルーツを示す証拠は「ゆるぎない」ものだという。

 ウィリアム王子と、7月に第1子を出産予定の妻、キャサリン妃(Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge)はこれまでインドを訪問したことはない。(c)AFP


The DNA analysis of saliva samples=唾液採樣DNA檢測=唾液サンプルの分析

The DNA analysis of saliva samples taken from the Duke of Cambridge's relatives have established a direct lineage between the 30-year-old prince and an Indian housekeeper on his mother Princess Diana's side. 




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