

中英日『日本新能源戰略 2030起零核電』

作者: 黃菁菁╱東京十四日電 | 中時電子報 – 2012年9月15日 上午5:30
日本新能源戰略 2030起零核電

戰略中指出,使用核電廠的三原則為:不新增核電廠、嚴格執行核電廠四十年年限的規定、需經原子能規制委員會確認安全的核電廠才能重啟。不過,目前暫時不調整 「核廢料再生政策」,仍繼續處理核廢料。

NHK Sep. 14, 2012 - Updated 11:40 UTC (20:40 JST)
Japan to shift energy policy

The Japanese government has adopted a new energy policy to realize a society that does not rely on nuclear power generation in the 2030s but to keep nuclear fuel recycling.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and cabinet members related to nuclear energy issues agreed to adopt the country's new energy policy. The policy shift follows the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March last year.

All resources available will be invested in efforts to realize a country free from nuclear power generation in the 2030s, including a wider use of green energy such as solar and wind power.

The specific measures include a 40-year limitation on the lifespan of nuclear power plants, this will include no new plant construction and no expansion of the existing ones.

But the new policy says that existing reactors will be put into operation after a new nuclear regulatory commission to be launched next week ascertains they are safe.

Regarding the nuclear fuel recycling policy, the government will find a location for the final disposal of nuclear waste outside Aomori Prefecture. The prefecture hosts a reprocessing plant for spent nuclear fuel and other related facilities that will continue to operate.

The policy says Japan will bear responsibility for nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear power.

The fast-breeder reactor Monju will be used for research on ways to reduce nuclear waste and the research will end after its results are established.

Monju was previously going to run on uranium and plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel.

The government says it will continuously review the new energy policy as it is difficult to accurately forecast the future energy situation.

After the meeting the Prime Minister told reporters that Japan will face various challenges as a result of his government's decision.

He says the country will realize a society based on new types of energy by getting contributions from the populace, using new ideas and sharing the burden.

NHK 9月14日 19時46分






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