


2013-05-17 01:53 中國時報 【蔡鵑如/綜合報導】
鼎泰豐 勇奪亞洲食神

美國的美食網站「每日一餐」(The Daily Meal),十六日公布該站評選的二○一三年「亞洲最佳一○一家餐廳」排行榜,以小籠包名揚天下的台灣鼎泰豐勇奪第一;而前十名當中,光是北京的餐館就包辦五席。



     鼎泰豐雖然脫穎而出,但榜單前十名有半數都是北京餐廳的天下。以北京烤鴨聞名的全鴨季高居第二,提供中式菜餚新吃法的紫雲軒茶事、座落於六百年古剎中的Temple Restaurant Beijing西餐廳、及坐擁天安門與紫禁城宏偉景致的前門M餐廳,分居三至五名。雲南料理名店大里院子,則名列第七。

     其餘進入前十大的老饕天堂,還包括印度新德里的Varq餐廳(六),第一家獲頒米其林三星的中餐館、香港龍景軒(八),位於日本北海道洞爺湖町的米其林三星級法國餐館Michel Bras TOYA Japon(九),以及香港的米其林三星義大利餐廳8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA。

     台北另有六家餐廳躋身亞洲最佳一○一家餐廳:台南度小月擔仔麵(四十三)、非零餐廳(五十)、義大利餐館Osteria by Angie(七十)、七十二牛肉麵(七十四)、法式餐廳La Cocotte(七十六),以及鐵匠鐵板燒居酒屋(八十六)。

Reuters, TOKYO This story has been viewed 1653 times.
Din Tai Fung tops The Daily Meal’s poll for Asia

A Taiwanese eatery famed for its dumplings was crowned Asia’s best restaurant, while restaurants in Beijing claimed the lion’s share of spots in the top 10 of a new survey of the food-obsessed region’s best dining.

Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐) in Taipei was ranked No. 1 in the inaugural “101 Best Restaurants in Asia” list, released yesterday by US-based food Web site The Daily Meal, which conducts similar polls in the US and Europe.

“Ultimately we chose ... a place best-known for doing one thing absolutely perfectly,” said Colman Andrews, editorial director of The Daily Meal, adding that they were aware that their choosing the restaurant, which has spun off into an international chain, would be controversial.

Half of the top 10 restaurants were in Beijing, with Duck de Chine — noted for its Peking duck — in second place and the Chinese-style nouvelle cuisine Green T. House in third.

“Our feeling is that Shanghai has had a good reputation as a restaurant city for some time, due both to a strong regional cuisine and the early incursions of Western celebrity chefs ... but that Beijing is definitely catching up,” Andrews said. “It’s an imperfect analogy, but in a way the culinary contrast between the two mirrors that between New York City and Washington DC. The former is more famous as a food city, but Washington increasingly offers serious competition — usually just with a little less fanfare.”

Food critics, writers and long-term foreign residents in Asia, among others, voted on a list of restaurants pulled together over a six-month nomination period — considering cuisine, style, value and overall buzz — to select the top 101.

Beijing’s Temple Restaurant came in fourth, while Capital M, a modern Australian restaurant overlooking Tiananmen Square, was fifth. Another Beijing establishment, Dali Court, hit seventh.
Varq, in the Indian capital, New Delhi, came in sixth.

The top 10 were rounded out by Hong Kong’s venerable Lung King Heen and Michel Bras TOYA, Japon, a Michelin three-star restaurant on Japan’s northernmost island, Hokkaido.
Andrews said that Asia’s flourishing restaurant scene was developing some interesting new trends. Five Indian restaurants made the list, including one in Bangalore.

“India, indeed, will continue to develop in restaurant terms — and I hope not entirely through the efforts of the top hotel chains — but I also think South Korea shows great promise and frankly I’m surprised that more of its top restaurants didn’t place on our list,” he said.
The top South Korean restaurant was The Byeokje Galbi in Seoul, which came in at 30.

The list included restaurants in Taiwan, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, South Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam and can be found on: www.thedailymeal.com/101-best-restaurants-asia.

5月16日(ブルームバーグ)更新日時: 2013/05/17 13:34 JST

















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