

中英日三ヶ国語ニュース-地球僅存 百歲保育龜種去世-

路透社 – 2012年6月25日 下午12:41
地球僅存 百歲保育龜種去世

(路透基多24日電)加拉巴戈斯國家公園(GalapagosNational Park)表示,保育動物、地球最後1隻平塔島(La Pinta)巨型陸龜「寂寞喬治」今天去世死因不明,一般認為牠活了100多歲。
「寂寞喬治」(Lonesome George)1972年被人發現後就成為加拉巴戈斯群島的代表性動物,每年可吸引約18萬名訪客。
加拉巴戈斯國家公園主管諾拉(Edwin Naula)告訴路透社:「負責照護的管理員今早發現寂寞喬治一動也不動。」「牠的生命已走到終點。」中央社(翻譯)

(Reuters)  Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:03pm EDT
Lonesome George, last-of-his-kind Galapagos tortoise, dies

* Giant tortoise, 100 years old, was a symbol of the Galapagos
* Galapagos park may decide to embalm his body
By Alexandra Valencia and Eduardo Garcia

QUITO, June 24 (Reuters) - Lonesome George, the last remaining tortoise of his kind and a conservation icon, died on Sunday of unknown causes, the Galapagos National Park said. He was thought to be about 100 years old.

Lonesome George was found in 1972 and had become a symbol of Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, which attracted some 180,000 visitors last year.

"This morning the park ranger in charge of looking after the tortoises found Lonesome George, his body was motionless," the head of the Galapagos National Park, Edwin Naula, told Reuters. "His life cycle came to an end."

George was believed to be around 100 years old and the last member of a species of giant tortoise from La Pinta, one of the smallest islands in the Galapagos, the Galapagos National Park said.

The giant Galapagos tortoises, which can live up to 200 years old, were among the species that helped Charles Darwin formulate his theory of evolution in the 19th century.
The Galapagos National Park is considering embalming George's body so that it can be displayed in the park, Naula said.

A spokesperson said the park plans to carry out a necropsy to determine what may have killed the tortoise.
Scientists had been trying to get George to mate since 1993, when they introduced two female tortoises of a different subspecies into his pen. They laid eggs twice, but they were infertile.

The pen where George lived was visited by thousands of tourists every year, who often had to scramble with each other to take pictures of one of the rarest creatures on Earth.

The islands often attract celebrities, including Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt earlier this year.

Tortoises were hunted for their meat by sailors and fishermen to the point of extinction, while their habitat has been eaten away by goats introduced from the mainland.

Some 20,000 giant tortoises still live on the Galapagos. (Editing by Sandra Maler)

ロイター2012年 06月 25日 10:55 JST
[キト 24日 ロイター] エクアドルのガラパゴス国立公園は24日、ピンタゾウガメ最後の生き残りとされる雄のゾウガメ「ロンサム・ジョージ」が死んだと発表した。推定年齢は約100歳。



去世[qu4shi4] = die = 死ぬ

evolution ;進化


中英日三ヶ国語ニュース-消費増税法案 衆議院で可決-

作者: 鉅亨網編譯李業德 綜合外電 | 鉅亨網 – 2012年6月26日 下午5:10
日本眾議院通過消費稅案 民主黨內增溫 恐爆分裂危機

《MarketWatch》周二 (26日) 報導,日本眾議院表決通過高爭議性的增稅案,在 2015 年前將消費稅上調一倍至 10%。

議員們以 363 對 96 票的結果,通過了本次增稅表決案。然而根據《NHK》指出,高達 57 位民主黨員投了反對票,代表執政黨內部依然有分裂的危機。

民主黨巨頭小澤一郎對增稅表示強烈反對,揚言誓投反對票,理由是增稅違背了 2009 年民主黨的競選承諾,甚至不惜宣布退黨。

而若本次表決後,退黨議員數量超過 54 人,便將失去在眾議院的多數席次,讓落實稅改顯得更加困難。眾議院目前共有 478 席次,半數為 239 席,民主黨全員於眾議院現占 289 席。

NHK Jun. 26, 2012 - Updated 06:28 UTC (15:28 JST)
Lower House passes tax bills

The Lower House of Japan's Diet has passed a set of bills that include doubling the consumption tax to 10 percent by 2015.

The tax hike and social security reform bills passed on Tuesday.

Some members of the main ruling Democratic Party voted against the bills or abstained.

But most members of the ruling party voted for the legislation, with support from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito.

The bills will now go to the Upper House where they are expected to be enacted with opposition party support.

NHK 6月26日 15時29分
消費増税法案 衆議院で可決




通過[tong1guo4] =pass可決

